Why Ethical Investing Matters

< 1 minute read

Quintin Rayer explains why ethical investing is about more than paying lip service to corporate social responsibility.

Advisers may find that they face a dilemma with ethical investing; while advisers and clients often accept it matters, they fear underperformance.  Human activities have generated threats including climate change and its consequences; lifespan is increasing, so demographics will impact healthcare and pension costs; while an expanding world population demands improved living standards as less developed countries modernise. Behaving in an unsustainable manner will cease to be an option.

However, there is research that should serve to give pause for thought for those who are tempted to assume that it is ‘obvious’ that ethical portfolios ‘must’ underperform the wider market, which may help allay the dilemma faced by advisers considering discussing ethical investing with their clients.

The following article is republished with the kind permission of the Personal Finance Society.


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Q G Rayer (2017), Why ethical investing matters, Personal Finance Professional, www.thepfs.org, Winter 2017, 7 December 2017, p44-46.


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