As a team with all different backgrounds and interesting stories to tell, we thought we’d take the time to let you virtually meet us. As technology develops and 2020 has shown the world has moved to more digital interactions over the face to face, so we thought this may help you put a face to the name. This week we spoke to Craig White our Platform Operations Manager:
Interview with Craig White, P1 Platform Operations Manager
What was your journey to P1?
P1 had put out an advert to say they were looking for someone to join their operations teams and I was looking to broaden my knowledge and thought I’d take the leap and apply. I had previous experience working in the financial sector, I’d worked with advisers and providers. I felt the next step in my career was working alongside an investment manager this would help expand my knowledge and provide me with the necessary exposure in the industry. With the knowledge behind the P1 platform, I knew I could bring this niche skillset to the mix and utilise it to help grow and develop P1 even further.
What is it you do for P1?
I work alongside the operations team providing the day to day running and technical support of the P1 platform. I also deal with any issues regarding the platform so must be incredibly reactive to this to maintain customer support, my days vary from day to day. We’re aware you aid with Customer Service as well? Oh yes, it brings me nothing but happiness keeping our clients happy. (Note to our clients, while Craig is very dry, he does genuinely enjoy it)
What would you see as a success for P1 and yourself?
I think in the short time that P1 has been running it has already succeeded massively. The whole mindset behind P1 is to be a platform that breaks the mould of what is currently the industry standard. I think it’s too soon to say what would be a success for P1 as there’s still so much more to come. I suppose hard work and dedication comes naturally to you? I suppose you could say that! I’m used to training hard and in punishing ways but then also seeing the results so it’s easy for me to adopt this in the workplace too – not that P1 is punishing!
Without sounding like marketing, how would you summarise what P1 is about from your perspective?
P1 is an investment wealth company that provides solutions in which your assets can be managed and administered in one safe place with a proven track record. I honestly don’t think you could’ve sounded more like marketing if you tried.
If you were stranded on a desert island, which colleague would you hope to be stranded with?
I think I would choose Harry (Head of Marketing), we both have a passion for health and fitness, alongside that we both strive to be the best in customer service which would mean we can overcome any issues we would face. I think the only issue we would face is not having a mailbox to fight over. Not sure I agree with this, you’d both be hangry and we both know what you two are like when you’re hangry! Well maybe, but we get on and think we’d know when to leave each other alone in our hangers.
What book are you reading right now and what’s a book everyone should read?
I’m currently reading a book called Relentless by Tim Grover, the book is based on the mental side of sports and how people thrive under pressure. He’s trained some of the sporting greats of the last few decades. As much as it’s based around sports mentality it can be related to other aspects of life, if you want to develop an athlete’s mentality then it’s great but don’t be shocked when it goes against the ‘standard’ way of thinking. When you say ‘standard’ I presume you just mean a normal way of thinking? umm, I suppose, still, it’s worth the read.
What personal investment good or bad have you learnt the most from?
I have a pension with my old employer which I would trade with frequently on how the funds were performing. Through regular trading, I managed to double the value of the pension over a few years. My trick was simply picking a fund that had the name ‘pacific rim’ in, because of the film, and then going between that and the default. What it taught me is that picking a fund name based on a film is a great idea (I’d suggest not to come for investment advice). Ok well, we’ll have to check with compliance before publishing that…For everyone reading this please be aware he doesn’t manage portfolios in P1, and we do not advise this as an investment strategy. His approach to operations is a lot more systematic and less chaotic I promise!
We don’t know many (any) professional mixed martial artists that work in financial services and operations – we know a few ex-cricketers/rugby players and rowers – is there any crossover between the skill sets? I think the coloration is between the ‘fight IQ’, in MMA and my current role at P1 a situation can change very quickly, and you often must juggle many components and have to be ready for any situation which comes your way. Unfortunately, you can’t punch a pension! Yeah, let’s try to avoid any punching during office hours.