As a team with all different backgrounds and interesting stories to tell, we thought we’d take the time to let you virtually meet us. This week we spoke to Paul White our Compliance Director; here’s what he had to say.
Interview with Paul White, P1’s Compliance Director
What was your journey to P1?
I was one of the founding directors with James Priday. Hiving-off P1 from our advice firm, Prydis Wealth was James’ brainchild but I dealt with the regulatory side of creating the new business.
What exactly do you do at P1?
I am the Compliance Director and along with my team, we oversee all DFM and Platform activities. Currently we are applying to increase our Permissions to be able to offer some exciting and innovative new services, so watch this space!
What would you see as a success for P1 and yourself?
Every month at Board when we review performance metrics I am bowled-over by our growth trajectory. In terms of success, P1 are still relatively small in terms of market share and I look forward to reeling-in and overtaking our competitors. As a firm, we have already achieved amazing things with costs running at a fraction of our competitors; growth means we’ll continue to achieve the only metric that truly matters – a profitable business to serve our customers.
Without sounding like sales, how would you summarise what P1 is about from your perspective?
We are passionate about providing the best level of service in the financial services industry, with genuinely useful functionality to meet customers’ needs and expectations – all at a market-beating cost. If advisers are looking at achieving their obligations under Consumer Duty, we have all four outcomes wrapped-up.
If you were stranded on a desert island, which colleague would you hope to be stranded with?
I’m torn as James has a boat, on which we could escape the island. On the other hand, if we’re stranded with a case of rum, it would have to be Harry Webster who always brings the good times!
What book or Podcast are you listening to/reading right now?
I’m currently studying towards Fellowship, so I shall be packing the CISI’s Regulation and Compliance textbook in my suitcase this summer. Sad, I know.
What personal investment, good or bad, have you learnt the most from?
Tricky one, as I leave that to the investment managers. I’m far from a stock-picker and prefer to set-and-forget in a diversified portfolio with long-term growth in mind. But remember, folks, the value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may get back less than you originally invested. What else did you expect from a Compliance Guy?