Securing a sustainable business model in a net-zero carbon world…

2 minute read

In an article specifically written for P1 Investment Management Ltd, Dr Richard Millar of Oxford University writes about the need for companies to start planning for a zero-net carbon emission future now.  Leadership will be required from company boards combined with informed pressure by ethically-minded investors if there is to be a smooth transition to a net-zero emission economy.

Dr Richard Millar is the Oxford Martin Fellow at the Oxford Martin Net Zero Carbon Investment Initiative and Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford.  In a departure from P1’s usual practice of only putting articles on the ‘P1 Research’ website that have already been published elsewhere, P1 is delighted to publish this article written by Dr Millar specifically for P1 outlining the need for businesses and ethical investors to target zero-net carbon emissions (or carbon-neutral operations).


About the Oxford Martin School

The Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford is a world-leading centre of pioneering research that addresses global challenges. We invest in research that cuts across disciplines to tackle a wide range of issues such as climate change, disease and inequality. We seek to make an impact by taking new approaches to global problems, through scientific and intellectual discovery, by developing policy recommendations and working with a wide range of stakeholders to translate them into action.

Oxford Martin Net Zero Carbon Investment Initiative

Our team of researchers are consulting with the scientific and investment communities in combination with fossil fuel industry stakeholders to address key issues; What would a safe fossil fuel investment look like in a world in transition to net-zero carbon emissions? What does a company that remains engaged in fossil fuel extraction need to do to reassure its investors and customers that it is acting responsibly; and to ensure that its activities are not committing future taxpayers or shareholders to expensive climate adaptation, mitigation, or remediation measures?

Download the Securing a sustainable business model in a net-zero carbon world…

R Millar (2017), Securing a sustainable business model in a net-zero carbon world…, P1 Investment Management Ltd,, 12th October 2017.


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